Things to do in Tenerife

Splash3 Bike Point Tenerife Bike Hire & Bike Rental
Mount Teide
Road Biking Tenerife Bike Point Tenerife Bike Hire & Bike Rental

Tenerife is the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands (2,034 square kilometers) in size, however, it offers a vast network of roads and bike paths that are exent for road and
off road cycling. The dormant, towering and beautiful volcano, Mount Teide, that defines Tenerife offers distinct riding experiences depending on which side of the mountain you are located. The south side offers a drier and more desolate scenery, which in itself is very interesting, whilst the north side of the mountain is green and lush with spectacular mountain and sea views.

Tenerife is regarded as a cyclist’s paradise offering its own distinct and unique micro climates, stunning scenery and a strong biking culture. This is one place that should definitely be on your list of places to visit.


Road Biking in Tenerife

You just need to worry about yourself, your bicycle, and when you want to pull over to take in some of the spectacular scenarys. There are lots of routes available, ranging in difficulty; easy to professional level. Your ride can take you from sea level right up to an elevation of more than 2,000 metres. The great thing about the island is that you’ll always have access to whatever services you require within a short distance. Because of this, Tenerife has already attracted the greatest cyclists in the world to train here.

Where can you ride?

You can ride all over the island, there is an extensive road network, plus on our website we have a wide range of downlable routes if you prefer to go it alone or you can try any one of a range of guided tours that some of our professional guides have on offer.

When is a Good time to come to Tenerife?

The favorable weather conditions mean that you can cycle all year round. We have an average temperature of 22 degrees throughout the year. However, during the summer months on the south of the island the temperatures can get quite high. The north maintains a decent ridable temperature for those who really want to get out.

What do I need?
  • Obviously, a bicycle. which you can easily hire through one of our three shops in the south of the island
  • You can make use of technical services and road-side assistance.
  • We have a range of cafeterias which we classify as bike friendly. View list here
Practical tips
  • Please remember that the island has micro climates and depending on where you are going the weather can change quite drastically so make sure that you are prepared.
  • Check the weather report before leaving.
  • Be extremely careful on the road, especially in urban areas with a lots of traffic.
  • When you are travelling alone be sure to inform someone such as your hotel reception and leave a mobile phone number so that you can be easily contacted
  • Use your helmet – it is compulsory, andessential for your safety.
Mountaining Biking Bike Point Tenerife Bike Hire & Bike Rental
Relaxing Bike Point Tenerife Bike Hire & Bike Rental

Mountain Biking

When is a good time to come to Tenerife?

The favourable weather conditions mean that you can cycle all year round. We have an average temperature of 22 degrees 365 days a year.


There are over 200 kilometres of forest tracks available to you. Most of them can be found in the north of the island.

What do I need?
  • You have a wide range of specialist shops available to you to provide you with the service you need.
  • You can make use of technical services and road-side assistance.
  • Don’t skimp on any possible safety measure and, above all, wear your helmet.
Practical tips
  • Don’t forget to take a coat and raincoat. Remember that the island has microclimates and theweather can change rapidly, especially in high areas.
  • Check the weather report before leaving.
  • Be extremely careful on the road, especially in urban areas with a lot of traffic.
  • When you are travelling alone, be sure to alert your hotel reception and leave a mobile phone number so there is a record of when and where you are going.
  • Use your helmet – it is compulsory, and essential for your safety.
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Preguntas frecuentes

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Bike Friendly Hotels in Tenerifebikepoint_new
Hoteles aptos para bicicletas

Buscando completar esas vacaciones ciclistas perfectas, hemos elaborado una lista de hoteles que consideramos amigables con los ciclistas.

Más información

Nuestras tiendas

Bike Point (Las Américas)
  • Av. Quinto Centenario s/n, Edificio las Terrazas
  • 38660 Las Américas
  • Tenerife, Canary Islands
  • T: (+34) 922 796 710
  • E:
  • Open Monday to Sunday: 09:00h - 13:00h / 14:00h - 18:00h
  • Ver en el mapa
Bike Point (El Médano)
  • Av. José Miguel Galván Bello 28
  • 38612 El Médano
  • Tenerife, Canary Islands
  • T: (+34) 922 176 273
  • E:
  • Open Monday to Saturday: 09:00h - 13:00h / 14:00h - 18:00h
  • Esta tienda está cerrada los domingos.
  • Ver en el mapa
Bike Point (Callao Salvaje)
  • Hotel Mynd Adeje
  • Calle El Jable 36
  • 38678 Callao Salvaje
  • Tenerife, Canary Islands
  • T: (+34) 922 796 710
  • E:
  • Open Monday to Friday: 09:30h - 11:30h
  • Esta tienda está cerrada los sábados y domingos.
  • Ver en el mapa
Bike Point North - Santa Cruz (Tri-ciclos Canarias)
  • Calle Pedro Modesto Campos 6, Local 4, CP 38003
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands
  • T: +34 922 23 07 17
  • E:
  • Open Monday to Friday: 10:00 a 13:00 y 16:30 a 19:00
  • Ver en el mapa
Bike Point North - Santa Úrsula (Tri-ciclos Canarias)
  • Carretera Provincial 84, CP 38390
  • Santa Úrsula, Tenerife
  • T: +34 922 074 403
  • E:
  • Open Monday to Friday: 10:00 a 13:00 y 16:30 a 19:00
  • Ver en el mapa